
Claim for Damages under s106(5)

On Tuesday 21st January 2025 I attended NCAT as the applicant seeking damages under s106(5) after a wastewater pipe blocked and flooded my apartment, causing damage to fixtures and fittings. Here is a recount of my experience. +++++++++ My hearing was at 1:15pm at Goulburn Street. Presiding was Senior Member Tyson. I appeared by myself as the applicant. My strata manager appeared on behalf of the OC, the respondent. One of my neighbours and fellow committee member tagged along on behalf of the OC as well. He and I have had a longstanding animosity: he was one of the key supporters of the respondents in my smoke drift litigation in 2023 ; he and his wife submitted affidavits full of the most ridiculous nonsense and outright fabrications in an attempt to discredit me and undermine my case. He is also very vocal about NOT spending money to repair the common property. The first thing the tribunal member said was, “Is there any chance we can resolve this by having a discussion with the ...

Strata Law & Order: Special Parking Hypocrisy Unit

neighbour: EVerYoNe sHouLD rEspECt thE VisiTOr ParKiNg!!!!!! also neighbour: FACTS Lot owner occupied that single visitor parking spot for nearly 30% of the entire period. Given that there are only three visitor spots, they effectively monopolised 10% of all available visitor parking across those months. That’s a staggering amount for someone now claiming to be a champion of visitor parking fairness. The hypocrisy is wild.