Successful NCAT Smoke Drift outcome under s153

In April of 2021 I purchased an apartment in Rockdale in the inner south of Sydney, and moved in with my two teens, who were 13 and 15 at the time. We lived there very happily for 18 months until November 2022, when new neighbours moved into the unit next door. They announced that they were smokers, and promptly started smoking on their balcony multiple times a day. The smoke from their cigarettes wafted into my unit and filled my house with the smell. I was only mildly alarmed at first because I was certain that we were covered by the by-laws and it would all work itself out. Upon reviewing the purchase documentation I was horrified to discover that we didn't have a smoke drift by-law. It was simply an oversight on my part; I'd never had this problem anywhere else; and I'd lived in many units and townhouses before this. I knew at that moment that I was in big trouble. Firstly, I work from home several days per week. Secondly, I have children living here. Lastly, I have...